
 Our Mission:  "As a Municipal Government, the City of Davisboro is committed to providing quality utility services to our community and serving with dignity and respect."  

Dear Davisboro,

As of July 21st-August 15th Billing Cycle all account holders will be given 30 days total to pay balances in full.  As before, balances are due on the 15th of each month (unless on weekends), late charges of 10% will be assessed on the 16th of each month and the 21st will be meter reading and cutoff day (unless on weekends). At cutoff, each account will receive a penalty of $50.  Account balance plus the $50 penalty must be paid in order to reconnect services

We can no longer carry balances past 30 days, No Exceptions

As always, feel free to contact Administration at City Hall, M-F from 8AM-5PM with any questions and/or concerns. 

Thank you all in advance,

             -City Administration

Leak Adjustment Request Form (cognitoforms.com)

You may receive an adjustment to your bill if any of the following cases apply:

  • A high bill due to a leak that was concealed underground or behind a wall
  • A pool credit is allowed for a swimming pool that is emptied and refilled 
  • An act of vandalism resulting in a high bill (customer must have reported the incident to the police, and Public Works Department must be able to verify repairs made to damaged water and sewer fixtures)
  • An incorrect meter reading
    • All repairs for underground/concealed leaks must be completed within 30 days after notification by the department that a possible plumbing problem may exist
  • Underground Leak Adjustment

The following requirements must be met to be considered for an adjustment to your bill:

  • An underground/concealed leak form must be completed and signed by the account holder if it is determined to be their responsibility in order to apply for a billing adjustment, otherwise a work order completed by the City must be on file 


All Underground Leak Adjustment forms and documentation must be submitted to City Hall. 

Note the following regarding possible adjustments:

  • If repairs have not been completed, no adjustment will be applied to the account
  • Monthly accounts will only be granted adjustments on the wastewater portion of the bill, with no adjustments made to the water portion of a bill for any leaks
  • Adjustments will only be made to and in the current Billing Cycle. Adjustments will only be made when the account is paid in full or under payment contract.
  • This Credit may be given only once per leak’s described location. 


  • Pool (Sewer) Credit

A pool credit is available for a swimming pool that is emptied and refilled. The bill's sewer charges may be adjusted for the volume of water necessary to refill the pool. Accounts that are billed for water only and premises with a submeter or separate sprinkler meter do not qualify for a pool credit. This credit shall be given only twice within a 12-month period. 

Note the following information regarding possible adjustments:

  • No adjustment will be granted for a hose, faucet, toilet, or hot water heater that was running inadvertently, or any other plumber fixture that has otherwise allowed water to flow for any period
  • No adjustment will be granted if there have been any changes in water usage within the household during the billing period (i.e. new landscaping, guests visiting, major household repairs or construction that required increased water usage, problems with one’s pool or sprinkler system, or water theft)
  • Adjustments to wastewater will be calculated to match the average of prior three billing cycles, no adjustments will be made to actual meter reading of water usage.


An illustration: A customer’s normal (variable) average bill is $43 and the customer receives an unusually high bill in April for $173 (Water $45.19, Sewer $115.81 and Garbage $12) that is caused by undetected damage to the water service line. The adjusted bill amount would be $80.97 (Water $45.19, Sewer $23.78 ((23.81+23.74+23.79)/3) and Garbage $12).

Prior three months…

March: Water $7.19, Sewer $23.81 and Garbage $12

February:  Water $7.26, Sewer $23.74 and Garbage $12

January: Water $7.21, Sewer $23.79 and Garbage $12

*Account holders may address all disputes of accuracy of meter readings, amount or calculation of any water/sewer service billing credits or denials with Administration at City Hall within 60 days of the bill or adjustment.